Viel Rum Plong - Rattanakiri

Viel Rum Plong

Viel Rum Plong - Rattanakiri
Viel Rum Plong – Rattanakiri

Viel Rom Plong is a huge granite terrace in the forest in O’Chum commune, O’chum district, about 14 kilometers northest of Ban Loung provincial town. The site is a popular place for picnic.

According to the Kreung legend, there once was a boy named Rom Plong who flew his kite on this terrace. Unfortunately, the kite got stuck in a tree. Rom Plong climbed the tree to retrieve his kite, but fell from the tree and died. His body was buried in the forest. Since then, members of the Kreung hill tribe, who live in nearby village, believe that Rom Plong’s spirit is protect the forest surrounding the terrace, so they dare not cut it down, even to plant crops. That is how the site came to be known as Viel Rom Plong.