Within 5 days trip Sambo to reach Mondulkiri

6d71425b-817b-42d4-9f7f-fe370e2d0e3bA famous female elephant named Sambo, and has worked in tourism for many years, after retire at the age of 54, is currently elephants Livelihood Initiative Environment project called ELIE to live with other elephants in the herd wildlife conservation Seima biodiversity village uncle trombone kat Senmonorom under supply and health care
by ELIE and Mondulkiri Forestry Administration.

Khun Dion director Elie said transporting elephants Sambo from Phnom Penh to Mondulkiri is 5 days departure fromPhnom Penh on November 29 and arrived in Mondulkiri at 1 pm and 30 pm on Dec. 3. He said that the trip rich Mondulkiri is funded under Alexander Abraham (Alexander Abraham Foundation) of the  US Government, through USAID and ELIE.

Mr. Elie said that the reason for taking longer to Mondulkiri because of fear of health problems because when Samboexperience health problems is diarrhea, but things have improved after-care doctors and Sambo treatment carefully. Khun Dion said that currently Sambo do not adapt to live in the woods yet, because it’s used to living in the city, but he hopefully, it will be like with wild landscape pure mountain air in the near future. He added that the elephant rich will live in peace with the elephant head 9 ELIE care intensive care today.