Halal Tourism (Cambodia)

Phnom Penh, April 25th, 2023 —

Located in Chroy Changvar, some 20 kilometers north of Phnom Penh, the Memorial commemorates the end of 20 years of war and was inaugurated to celebrate the beginning of peace in Cambodia.

It serves also as a museum for future Cambodians to have clear knowledge of the Kingdom’s history. The museum houses important documents including research materials and exhibits that portray the deeds of Samdach Techo Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of Cambodia, demonstrating the process of carrying out the historic Win-Win policy; peacefully reintegrating the Khmer Rouge.

A Win-Win situation is not about compromising, but more the arrival of an agreement where the parties each take a step back for the betterment of the country ending the wars to promote national unity and jointly strive towards economic development. Amnesty was granted to the motley crew of Khmer Rouge commanders lurking across the Thai border; the war ended.

On the 8-hectare plot of land where the monument stands, are eight ponds, monumental sculptures, and a 117 meters long wall featuring bas-reliefs depicting the journey to peace. The park is designed such that people could visit leisurely for relaxation and joy. Trees and various plants in the park add ambience to what the monument symbolises.

The Win-Win Memorial was built to educate the citizens of every generations; for all be made aware of Cambodia’s true history and be reminded of Cambodia’s struggle against the insurgency to attain peace.

The Memorial is open to public. More than three million tourists had visited the Win-Win Memorial since it was inaugurated in December 2018.

The structure of the building is designed with a pentagon-shaped base to represent Prime Minister Hun Sen’s “DIFID” strategy, which stands for “Divide, Isolate, Finish, Integrate and Development”.

The 33m high triangular monolith above the pentagon represents the three guarantees made to the Khmer Rouge – on life, jobs and property.