Veal Ram Plang

Halal Tourism (Cambodia)

Phnom Penh, May 17th, 2023 —

Veal Ram Plang got its name from the son of a hill tribe chief who lived in the area. According to legend, a long time ago, Veal Ram Plang was the natural mountain playground for many of the local tribe children who used to come here to fly their kites and have fun.

Once day, a boy named Ram Plang, the son of the local tribal chief, came as usual to fly his kite and have fun.  An unexpected strange gust of wind tore his kite away, causing it to get caught on the top of the tallest Sra-lav tree on the plain.

Ram Plang was extremely unhappy and furiously climbed up the tree to retrieve his precious kite.  Unfortunately, when he reached to the top where his kite was stuck, the branch broke and he fell to his painful death.

His friends brought the bad news to the village and informed Ram Plang’s father.  The entire village came out to tend to his body and performed a traditional tribal ritual. Ram Plang’s body was kept there in a small tomb and his kite was also placed to rest with it.  According to legend, his beautiful long kite became that river that still remains to this day.

The place is since revered and the date of Ram Plang’s death is commemorated in an annual ceremony observed by all of the tribes in the region generation after generation.  Hill tribe people would come from all around to honor Ram Plang’s spirit. They would bring with them jars of wine, food and fruit to the ceremony each year. The discarded hulls from the traditional hill wine were thrown near Ram Plang’s tomb and got piled up bigger and bigger after many years of ceremonies to become the small hill that is backing Ram Plang’s tomb.