The meeting discussed about the Community Development of Cambodian Muslims between the highest leaders of Highest Council for Islamic Religious Affair Cambodia and Majilis Agama Islam Wilayah Persukutuan

This meeting was held on the morning of 14 November 2014 between the Majilis Agama Islam Wilayah Persukutuan Malaysia, led by Datuk Hj. Zainal Abidin bin Jaffar the president and delegates chief, and represented for H.E Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom Ministers of Council Ministers of Malaysia in charge of religious affairs, accompanied by H.E Dato Mohamad bin S. Ahmad, Chairperson of the Foundation Dar Assaadah and Darul Kifayah with 39 delegates has paid a Courtesy call to H.E Othsman Hassan Minister attached to the Prime Minister of Cambodia, the Secretary of State Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training and president of Cambodian Muslim Development Foundation. In this meeting also attended by Okhna Sos Komry President of highest council for Islamic Religious Affair Cambodia, H.E Zakaryya Adam Minister attached to the Prime Minister and Deputy of Cambodian Muslim Development Foundation, also attended by Excellences, Secretaries, under Secretaries of State, and members of the Cambodian Muslim Development Foundation.


The above meeting was focused on the various development projects to Muslim community in Cambodia such as:

The Educational Construction projects (Madrasah An Neakmah AL Islamiyah) for general and Islamic Education which plan to spend around $ 450,000.
Highest education scholarship providing for Cambodian Muslim student in the various colleges of Malaysia.
To held the training course seminar for Muslim teachers
To strengthen humanitarian assistances such as Iftar Ramadan, Orphans, allowance Islamic teachers, Qurban and Aqiqah , and natural-disaster aid.
To provide consulting and technical support on the procedure of establishing of Waqaf institution, Halal institution and Zakat house in Cambodia.
Invited speaking at the occasion, H.E Datuk Oknha Othsman Hassan, Minister attached to the Prime Minister has suggested that I appreciate and always be grateful for the government and generally brotherhood of Malaysia who being much concerning about Cambodian Muslims since before the civil war until after the end of genocide regime.

Minister said that after Cambodia received the completed happiness, the government very open to the public NGOs to higher their charity activities in the rural community without discrimination to any religious or any races in order to cooperate the development sectors with the Government.

In response to the Minister attached to the Prime Minister, H.E Datuk Hj. Zainal Abidin bin Jaffar President of Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persukutuan Malaysia said , We are excited and proud to see the leaders of Cambodian Muslims at all levels in institutions presenting on behalf of the Leaders of Highest Council for Islamic Religious Affair Cambodia who invited and welcomed support the development projects of Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persukutuan, me and all the Council members pleased to provide all the charity projects by cooperating through the Highest Council for Islamic Religious Affair Cambodia and Cambodian Muslim Development Foundation who has been working very closely with the royal government of Cambodia to serve the Muslim community especially on Education and Religious sector.

HE Dato Mohamad bin S. Ahmad, president of Dar Assaadah and Darul Kifayah also expressed interest greatly to the highest Islamic institution of both countries reached the collaboration on the charity project development and we hope that this cooperation will continue to broadcast to others institutional aid to support and strengthen the next cooperation through this Islamic institution .

For a dowry of achieving agreement on collaboration in charity projects, Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persukutuan has donated 5,000 RM to the Cambodian Muslim Development Foundation after this allowance in the same rate above also has just been sponsored to the Highest Council for Islamic Religious Affair Cambodia at the last meeting which held on 13 November 2014 at the headquarters of Highest Council for Islamic Religious Affair.