Katieng Waterfall

Halal Tourism (Cambodia)

Phnom Penh, May 17th, 2023 —

Some 3 km from Ka Chanh, is the 10 m high Katieng waterfall.

From the top the view of the waterfall is pretty stunning. You can look out across to large trees on the opposite bank, watch the water cascades from a gentle pool at the top and drops down 10m to a larger pool below. From a distance, the scene resembles a brush Chinese painting on rice paper.

The rock cavern of the waterfall provides shelter around the perimeter; few places offer such luxury. The Katieng is one of those less visited locations in the province, pretty much undisturbed and peaceful; a neat place to be at one with nature – to relax and be basked in total tranquility.

Some people would combine their visit here with an elephant ride from the elephant village of Phume Kateung, a short distance north of the waterfalls. These rides are clocked at 90 minutes per time, so that wouldn’t be a good option if yours is to come for the enjoyment of the beauty and tranquility at the Katieng Waterfall.