

Most of the handicrafts made of the sea shells and corals that are popular with tourists are made in Kampot province.This handicrafts is sold along the beaches and very popular with tourists. Corals are also popular with visitors. The coral is washed until it is white, and sold the beach to local and foriegn visitors. Because coral is rapidly disappearing …

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Caves near Kampot

The caves of Phnom Ta aun are part of a limestone formation. Narrow cave, chimney, passages with rock formations. A bit more interesting are the caves at Phnom Sia. One cave contains a supposedly elephant shaped rock formation that is treated as a shrine. Bring a flashlight.Limestone mountains (phnom) dot the landscape between Kampot and Kep. Many contain limestone caves, …

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Bokor Hill Station

Make sure you get an early start. The summit of Bokor (1,080 meters high) is reached at the end of one of the worst roads in Cambodia and the journey (about 30km) takes a lot longer than you would think. Heavily potholed and scattered with reefs of the original asphalt surface, it is best traveled by 4WD or motorbike. Spectacular …

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Wat Prasat

Located in Prasat Village, Prasat Commune, Santuk District, Kampong Thom Province. This temple located in a 31 kilometers district from Provincial Town of Kampong Thom, and there is road from the southern direction of 500-meter length. This temple was built of brick, masonry and sandstone in 8th century (706) with Kampong Preah style to dedicate to Siva. It was a …

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Wat Kdei Deum

Wat Kdei Deum is located in Kampong Chen village, Kampong Chen Tbong commune, Storng district about 52 kilometers northwest of the provincial town. A holy place, the features two ponds and includes an old temple similar in style to Banteay Srei temple in Siem Reap

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Wat Kampong Thom

Wat Kampong Thom, also known as Wat Indrisamavora, is located in Kdei village, Preykahu commune, Stung Sen district, about 1 kilometer from the provincial town. This old temple is a holy place that covers 2,053 square meters. Statues related to the Buddha story can be found in the pagoda. The pagoda fences are painted in many different colors and styles. …

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Ah-Man Green Restaurant

AH-MAN GREEN RESTAURANT  is the Malaysian Halal Food restaurant specialize Malaysian dish such as Curry Puff, Roti Canai, Murtabak, Nasi Lemak, Nasi Campur, Nasi Briyani, Nasi Goreng, Mee Goreng, Kuyteav Horfan, Curry Fish Head, Curry Mutton, Curry Chicken, Curry Fish, Tom Yam Soup, Chicken Rendang, Beef Rendang, Squid Sambanl and satay. Address: #129, St 84,Sangkat Phsar Themey III, Phnom Penh, …

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Md-Alauddin Khatijah Restaurant

MD-ALAUDDIN KHATIJAH RESTAURANT own by Malaysian provide Halal meals with Malaysian dishes. The restaurant have Malaysian Menu such as, Nasi Brayani, Curry fish or chicken, Squid or Prawn Sambal, Beef Rendang….. Address: #B005, St 70, Sangkat Srah Chok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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Toul Sleng Genocidal Museum

In 1975, Tuol Svay Prey High School was taken over by Pol Pot’s security force and turned into a prison known as Security Prison 21 (S-21). It soon became the largest such center of detention and torture in the country. Over 17,000 people held at S-21 were taken to the extermination camp at Choeung Ek to be executed; detainees who …

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Tuol Tompoung Market

So-named because of the prevalence of items from the Eastern Bloc in past times, the Toul Tom Poung Market today is a treasure trove for tourists. Particular items worth seeking out include CDs, fabrics, jewelry, carved handicrafts and ceramics. There are also a large number of clothing outlets and on site tailors and seamstresses can make alteration quickly. The food …

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