
Phnom Prasith

Phnom Prasith is located in Makak commune, Ang Snoul district and in Chhviang commune, Ponhea Leu district, north of Phnom Penh. To get there, take National Road 5 north about 11 kilometers to Prek Pneuv Market point. From there, turn left and drive another 13 kilometers along a dirt trail. The total distance is about 24 kilometers from Phnom Penh …

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Phnom Odong

Phnom Udong is located in Psar Dek and Phnom Bat communes, Ponhea Leu district, about 41 kilometers north of Phnom Penh. The city drops behind while fishing villages and rice paddies surround either side of the sweeping plains of Kandal province. Then without warning, a mountain rises above it all, topped by the spire of stupas like some fairy castle. …

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Phnom Edtharaes

Phnom Edtharoes Phnom Edtharoes located at the Communes of Psardek and Phnom Bat in Ponhea Leu District. The mountain of Edtharoes has three nemes called Phnom Udong or Phnom Preah Reachtrop or Phnom Edtharoes, which can be accessed by National Road No 5 “Phnom Penh-Battambang ” ie from Phnom Penh to the turning road at Kilomet 37 and turn left …

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Koh dach

Koh dach, Kandal is a picturesque island located on the banks of Mekong River, on the upstream of Phnom Penh. Kandal is one of the provinces in Cambodia offering a vast range of sightseeing places and historical sites. Koh dach, Kandal is one of the popular tourist destinations in the province as well as in Cambodia. The entire area of …

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Kean Svay Krau Pagoda

Wat Kean Svay Krau is located in Phum Thom commune, Kean Svay district, about 19 kilometers from Phnom Penh, or about ’30 kilometers from Takmao. To reach Wat Kean Svay, cross the Monivong Bridge and travel east for 19 kilometers on National Road 1. The gate to the pagoda is on the left. The site is about 300 meters inside …

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Handicdraft Centre (Mekong Island)

Handicraft center is located at Koh Dach Commune, Muk Kampool District at the middle of Mekong River. The commune of Koh Dach has 12 kilometers length and width from 100m to 2,500 Metres, borders Prek Luong commune at the East and Uk Nha Tey commune, Koh Dach district at the west, and faces with the communes of Prek Leap and …

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Ang Kor Chey Pagoda

Ang Kor Chey Pagoda is located at Ban Tey Dek commune, Kean Svay District in total distance of 29 kilometers from Phnom Penh from Ta Khmao by the National Road No. 1 (Phnom Penh-Svay Rieng province). We travel along the National Road No. 1 from Phnom Penh or Ta Khmao to Kilometre 29 then exceed about 50 metres, there is …

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Teuk Chhu Zoo

Asian-style mini zoo displaying a variety of local faunas. 8km north of Kampot.Teuk Chhou Zoo and rapids set among gardens and fruit plantations at the foot of the Elephant Mountains on the west bank of the Teuk Chhou River, 12km northeast of Kampot, the Teuk Chhou Zoo(daily 7am?5.30pm; $3) is home to a wide range of fauna, including tigers, a …

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Teuk Chhu Resort

Teuk Chhu is located in Snomprampi village, Makprang commune, Kampot district, about 8 kilometers north of Kampot provincial town. Its main attraction is a stream that flows from Phnom Damrei via Phnom Kamchay. The cool, clear water flows over large rocks year round. This is a good place for swimming or bathing. There are many kinds of decicious fruit available, …

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Salt Product

Salt products are among the items Cambodia produces for export. Cambodia can produce enough salt for use inside the country and also for export. Most of products are made in Kampot district nearby the sea.

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