Biking Through Angkor – Cycling in Angkor Wat

Halal Tourism (Cambodia)
Phnom Penh, June 27th, 2023


Spice up your visit to the ancient Khmer Kingdom on a bike tour through Cambodia’s legendary temples. Cambodia Travel’s experienced local guide will show you highlights of the Angkor Archaeological Park including the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Angkor Wat, Bayon and Ta Prohm Temples, in addition to some lesser-known sights along the route. This route is fun and easy to cycle as well as being an interesting adventure that takes you to authentic Cambodian life.


  • Cycle through the ancient Angkor temples free from the crowds.
  • Visit Angkor Wat – the largest Khmer Temple and finest example of Angkorian art and architecture.
  • Cast the surrounding temple-dotted jungle in golden radiance from Phnom Bakeng.
  • Bike to the oldest temples in the Angkor complex – Rolous Group.
  • Discover the daily routines of the families living in the floating houses in Kampong Phluk.

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