Phnom Penh Killing Fields and Prison S21 Joint Tour

Halal Tourism (Cambodia)

Phnom Penh, March 29th, 2023 —

Learn about the dark days of the Khmer Rouge regime. Visit Prison S21 and the Cheung Ek Killing Fields, where thousands were imprisoned and killed.

Learn about the dark days of the Khmer Rouge regime. Visit Prison S21 and the Cheung Ek Killing Fields, where thousands were imprisoned and killed.


  • Visit the Genocide Museum, also known as Prison S21
  • Explore the infamous Killing Fields with an audio guide
  • Learn all about the horror of the Khmer Rouge Regime

Full description

Start with a ride to the Genocide Museum (also known as Prison S21). The prison comprises 4 buildings with exhibitions in several rooms. Prison survivors are sometimes present to talk to visitors and share their experiences. After an hour and 15 minutes at the museum, meet the tour assistant at the main entrance to continue the tour. During a 30-40-minute drive to the Killing Fields, watch a documentary on the Khmer Rouge regime. There will be around 1 hour and 15 minutes to explore the site. Audio guide is available in 15 languages along with a map of the fields.