2 million trees planted by APSARA Authority to protect Angkor heritage site

Halal Tourism (Cambodia)
Phnom Penh, July 10th, 2023
The APSARA National Authority (ANA) has planted about two million trees as part of its annual reforestation activities, in addition to the distribution of seedlings to the public to protect the Angkor heritage area from the dangers of climate change.

In a statement released on Friday, the Authority said that it has also taken care of restoring the ancient irrigation system by repairing and replenishing water in many ancient barays around Angkor and continue to cooperate with partner institutions to monitor air quality in the Angkor area.

Deputy Director General of Apsara Authority Yit Chandaroat said that that climate change is a common phenomenon for the whole world, not just in Cambodia. So, if we manage well, the impact is minimal, especially for the heritage sites.

He added that the ANA has been paying close attention for several to prevent climate change, which can have an impact on Angkor World Heritage sites, such as cultural landscaping activities, including temples, water, and forestry.

In a statement released on Friday, the Authority said that it has also taken care of restoring the ancient irrigation system by repairing and replenishing water in many ancient barays around Angkor and continue to cooperate with partner institutions to monitor air quality in the Angkor area.

Deputy Director General of Apsara Authority Yit Chandaroat said that that climate change is a common phenomenon for the whole world, not just in Cambodia. So, if we manage well, the impact is minimal, especially for the heritage sites.

He added that the ANA has been paying close attention for several to prevent climate change, which can have an impact on Angkor World Heritage sites, such as cultural landscaping activities, including temples, water, and forestry.